Conflict Resolution
Conflict is normal. By learning tools to respond in healthy ways, we can learn from conflict rather than only suffer from it.
Could you share the story of one conflict you’ve been in recently, or even are in now?
Conflict is scary, and conflict is also normal. The most important thing is how we respond. The process of Nonviolent Communication can help us. Think of a conflict you have been in or are in now. Could you break down the situation, perhaps by journaling, into these four parts? (1) the facts of what happened, as if you were a witness and only knew what you could see; (2) your feelings during the conflict; (3) a description of your needs; and (4) a request you would make of the other people in the conflict. This request is not about punishment, but should be about how to meet your needs. See link for more.
Additional Resources
See the Nonviolent Communication template from Argonaut for a structured way to introduce this to students.
For more guidance on this conflict resolution method, check out the Argonaut Mediate a Peer Conflict Challenge: