The Drama Triangle



By learning common patterns of conflict, we can become more self-aware in conflicts and less likely to get stuck in unhealthy patterns.


Think of a time when you experienced conflict. At school, home, or elsewhere, whether you were in it or just watching. What happened and what was your role?


When conflicts happen, we often end up in a "triangle" of 3 roles: the Victim, the Rescuer trying to help, and the Persecutor who seems to be starting the conflict. We all play every role at some point. And none of these roles are healthy: each means that we're stuck in some way. The trick is to notice which role you're in. Then you can begin trying others, or even transforming that role into a healthier version of itself. Which of these three roles do you tend to play when you are in conflict? (Credit: Stephen Karpman)

Additional Resources

For a helpful explanation of the Drama Triangle, try this video: