Emotional Myth or Truth?


This is intended as a playful way to explore common notions about our emotions. For each, the group can discuss if they are true, a myth, or something in between. Invite the group to create their own prompts.


Explore whether the following prompts are Myth or Truth, or somewhere in between.


1. Emotions are contagious. [Truth]

2. Emotions are useless. [Myth]

3. You can be stuck in an emotion forever. [Myth - emotions are always changing]

4. Certain emotions are bad for you. [Myth - it's how you respond that matters]

5. Emotions can be felt in our body. [Truth]

6. Being emotional means being out of control. [Myth - our emotions inform us]

7. Other people can read my emotions even if I don't tell them. [Often true, through body language]

8. There is a right way to feel in each situation. [Myth]

9. My emotions are affected by sleep and food. [Truth]

10. Expressing emotions is a sign of weakness. [Myth]

Additional Resources

See this lesson template from Argonaut with a slideshow of these and other prompts.