Empathy vs. Sympathy
We can develop our empathy like a muscle, creating stronger and more supportive relationships.
Who is the most empathetic person you know? What do they say or do to show their empathy?
Empathy is not the same thing as sympathy. Author Brené Brown says: "Sympathy is I feel bad FOR you. Empathy is I feel WITH you. Sympathy can make us feel more alone. Empathy helps us feel connected." If someone is feeling down, a sympathetic response might be "I'm sorry you're feeling bad," but a better, empathetic response would be "I get it, I feel with you, I've been there, too." We can build empathy like a muscle. Try practicing with each other: if each person shares a difficult moment they've had recently, others can try offering sympathy vs. empathy. See which feels the best to receive.
Additional Resources
There is a wonderful 3-minute video introduction to Brené Brown's description of empathy vs sympathy, recommended for both adults and adolescents.