Online Self vs. IRL Self



Every place we go, a slightly different version of ourselves appears. This is especially true in online vs. "in real life" spaces. Exploring this can give us insight about who we are and who we want to be.


Are you a different person online vs in real life? If so, how?


Explore how group members experience social interaction online, which includes social media, video games, group and individual texting, etc. If you respond or show up differently than you do in person, why do you think that is? Do you have rules for yourself about how you show up online, knowing that what you say there might be recorded or shared? Do you have rules or perspectives on talking with strangers online?

Additional Resources

For an extension discussion with a more mature group, consider the ethical dilemmas that come from online comments being saved forever. For example, if someone makes a homophobic comment online when they are 14, but later disavows that comment and says they have changed, should they be penalized later? For example, if a collge admissions officer sees their comment? How do you handle changing your mind when your beliefs are permanently recorded every step of the way?