Rumors & Gossip
Rumors and gossip come from normal human needs, but there are better ways to meet them. By understanding why we do it, we can respond more wisely.
Has someone ever talked about you behind your back? Or have you done that? (No judgment if so) Or, have you witnessed it? Describe the situation.
Invitate the group to share their stories, then dig deeper. Underneath every instance of rumor-spreading, there was a positive need someone had. Maybe it was to have something to talk about so they could connect, or to process feeling hurt. Could the group guess at the real need in each story? What would have been a better way to meet that need? See if the group can make a set of peer guidelines for what to do if you're tempted to gossip, or if someone is gossiping about you. Use the video in the link below if helpful to jump-start the conversation.
Additional Resources
See this Psych2Go video, titled Why People Gossip About You, to stir conversation. You may want to pause at a few points during the video to invite reactions and discuss.