Social Myth or Truth?


This is intended as a playful way to explore common notions about our emotions. For each, the group can discuss if they are true, a myth, or something in between. Invite the group to create their own prompts.


Explore whether the following prompts are Myth or Truth, or somewhere in between.


1. Some people will always struggle to make friends. [Myth - it's a skill anyone can learn]

2. Having one or two friends is not enough. You need a lot to be happy. [Myth]

3. Friendships can go through many stages, including not talking for a long time. [Truth]

4. People mostly have friends with the same gender identity as them. [Myth]

5. Doing activities together is a common way to make friends [Truth]

6. If you have a major disagreement with a friend, you should end the friendship. [Myth]

7. Being friends and having a crush on someone are totally different [It depends]

8. When you meet someone, you can tell right away if they're going to be a friend. [Myth]

9. You can only have one best friend. [Myth]

Additional Resources

See this lesson template from Argonaut with a slideshow of these and other prompts.